Daily attendance, all day every day, is important to school success. Unless a student is ill, there is a death in the immediate family, or there is an unavoidable emergency reason that the student is needed at home–school attendance is 100% expected.
When your child is absent from school they should turn in a note within three days after returning–in this note the parent requests that the absence be excused and a legitimate reason must be submitted. If you have questions about an unexcused absence, please contact the attendance clerk at 799-8880 ext. 5006. Excuse notes may be turned in on paper or electronically.
Use this link to fill out an electronic Absent Note: click on this LINK
Written notes can be turned in at the front office or Student Center and must contain:
- The Current Date
- The student’s full name
- Student ID Number
- Date of Absence(s)
- Reason for absence(s)
- Parent name, signature, and contact number
- A doctor’s note will also be accepted